Guest information
Here you can get information about opening hours, prices, dress code, transport to and from, as well as other useful information about Casino Vesterport.

Minimum age and valid picture id
According to the gaming legislation in Denmark, the following is required of guests who visit the casino:
Minimum age: 18 years.
Remember to bring a valid photo ID.
Opening hours
Slot machines
Every day
Live game
Every day

Dress code
Ordinary nice clothes for both men and women.
Sportswear, cap, sunglasses, etc. however, is not allowed, just as men are not allowed to wear a T-shirt without sleeves (tank top).
Outerwear must be handed in in the wardrobe.
Headgear is not accepted, however, religious headgear is accepted provided that it does not prevent the person from being recognized.
During the summer period (May 1 - September 30) it is allowed to come in shorts.
However, sports shorts / jogging shorts are not allowed.

Smoking and WIFI
At Casino Vesterport we take into account both non-smokers and smokers.
As such, smoking is prohibited and smoking is not allowed at our gaming tables and slot machines, but we have set up smoking boxes in the casino.
Casino Vesteport is one big hotspot!
As a guest, you are free to use our internet connection.
The password is at the bottom of your ticket.
Photos and Selfies
If you want to take pictures of yourself or your friends, we ask you to do so in the entrance or stairwell just before the reception itself.
Unfortunately, it is not allowed to take photos or selfies in the casino itself.
If you take photos and check in or tag Casino Vesterport on Facebook, you also have the opportunity to win a free drink on your next visit.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at the reception or on the contact page here on the website (click here).